Course Curriculum

    1. Lesson 1 Add Subtract Multiply and DIvide

    2. Lesson 2 Fraction and Percents

    3. Lesson 3 Probability and Statistics

    4. Lesson 1-3 Quiz

    5. Lesson 4 Adding and Subtracting Integers

    6. Lesson 5 Multiplying and Dividing Integers

    7. Lesson 6 Fractions and Integers

    8. 7th Grade Review: Lesson 4-6 Quiz

    9. Lesson 7 Properties and Order of Operations

    10. Lesson 8 Expressions

    11. Lesson 9 Simplifying Expressions

    12. Lesson 10 Evaluating Expressions

    13. 7th Grade Review: Lesson 7-10 Quiz

    14. Lesson 11 Modeling Equations

    15. Lesson 12 Multi-Step Equations

    16. Lesson 13 Variables with Equations on Both Sides

    17. 7th Grade Review: Lesson 11-13 Quiz

    18. Lesson 14 Equations with Fractions and Decimals

    19. Lesson 15 Equations and Word Problems

    20. 7th Grade Review: Lesson 14-15 Quiz

    21. Lesson 16 Solving Inequalities Part 1

    22. Lesson 17 Solving Inequalities Part 2

    23. 7th Grade Review: Lesson 16-17 Quiz

    24. Lesson 18 Ratios and Rates

    25. Lesson 19 Proportionality

    26. Lesson 20 Proportional Equations

    27. 7th Grade Review: Lesson 18-20 Quiz

    28. Lesson 21 Percent Word Problems

    29. Lesson 22 Sales Discounts and Markups

    30. 7th Grade Review: Lesson 21-22 Quiz

    31. Lesson 23 Triangles

    32. Lesson 24 Angle Relationships

    33. 7th Grade Review: Lesson 23-24 Quiz

    34. Lesson 25 Circles

    35. Lesson 26 Perimeter and Area of Rectangles

    36. Lesson 27 Geometry Nets

    37. 7th Grade Review: Lesson 25-27 Quiz

About this course

  • $499.99
  • 37 lessons
  • 16 hours of video content
  • Credentialed Teacher

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